Co-Curricular Activities

Cadet College Jhelum

Co-Curricular Activities play an important role in the development of a cadet's personality. Therefore every effort is made to provide viable and meaningful co-curricular programmes to nourish and nurture the true potential of cadets. At Cadet College Jhelum co-curricular activities are an essential part of education. Following Clubs have been established in the college for the said purpose under the supervision of worthy teachers. Each cadet is supposed to join at least one club according to his own inclination.

Under this club, Naat, Qirat, Bait Bazi and programmes on religious occasions are held frequently.

In this club, cadets are provided opportunities to explore their potentials of their creative ideas. They learn fine art and model making crafts under the supervision of respective teachers.

In this club, Inter-House debating (English and Urdu debates) competitions are held.

Cadets with the help of Science teachers prepare projects concerned with physics, chemistry, biology and computer software for science exhibition day.

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